Thanks for a Great 2024
I wanted to take a moment to just thank the many folks who stop by to read a little about some of the latest releases and project updates. I am grateful to those who continue to share their music as it is always fun to hear new work and even to revisit classic pieces.
That said, the world of audio recording has changed tremendously since I first started reviewing music over 20 years ago. Now, physical product is harder to come by and most is simply available as streaming content which lets anyone sample the music now in its entirety. This makes critical review and commentary practically irrelevant. CINEMUSICAL was initially designed to educate a bit while also highlighting concert and film music new and old. It has accomplished that I think well. Experience of large swaths of music and history informs my critical writing here and hopefully that has been interesting and useful for readers.
With an increased composing and teaching schedule in the coming year, I'm not sure how often new reviews will appear. I will likely do some basic overviews of years in music, or revisit some classic albums from my collection along the way.
So to all the composers, performers, and media contacts, thanks for your continued support and sharing of your work.
May 2025 be filled with more great music and wonderful discovery